Saturday, May 23, 2015

TV: The Flash, Season 1

Well guess what! I have now added The Flash to the list of series I watch. Another DC Comic character which I have no back knowledge of that I had to Google along my viewing of the whole of Season 1. The first season just ended recently (yesterday) so now I can write about it.


Let me begin with the fact that this show is in the same universe as the Arrow! (Which required me to start watching Arrow. Next post? I finished the first season.)

Barry Allen is the Flash portrayed by the talented Grant Gustin who you have probably seen in Glee as part of the Warblers. You will also get to see him sing in this CW show too! See it to believe. As you already know (from the trailers) the lightning gave him abs, but the particle accelerator and the seizures as well. He gained his supernatural speed when the particle accelerator exploded when it was turned on. Basically, the whole point of the first season was for Barry to find out who killed his mother and bring justice to his father with his superhuman abilities. Umm, who else wants this sweatshirt?

Introducing the Flash's team: Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) or *spoiler* Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) or *another spoiler* the Reverse Flash plus with the help of Det. Joe West (Jesse L. Martin). Btw, unsure of my use of the conjunction 'or.' My favorite from them would be Caitlin, she was so sweet and let's not forget her beauty and brains!!! If you want a little of Physics, or a lot of gibberish science, and a lot of binge watching this show is for you.

I also love this show because there is no romance between the characters we all know would end up with each other, Barry and Iris West (Candice Patton). Seriously, 23 episodes and only two love interests in which one of them were like in 3 episodes. My least favourite person in the show would be Iris. I'm pretty sure it's not jealousy because Barry's not everything attractive. I think it's because of the acting, or was her acting so effective that I hated her but is her character supposed to be hated? I don't know, I really found her acting unnatural.

Oh, I forgot to mention the other characters the Flash had to deal with... The meta-humans! Which in the season finale's big revelation, we find out Cisco's one too.

The meta-humans are just the other people who got affected by the particle accelerator and happened to be all bad guys except for Firestorm. Expecting more of them in the next season! And can we please talk about the little Prison Break bro-union that went on in the show. What a perfect choice of duo!

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading! How about you, did you like this new CW show or naw? 

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