Sunday, May 24, 2015

Food: Crème Brûlée

If you are Filipino it is similar to our leche flan but instead of steaming the egg and milk mixture you bake it in the oven over water. I followed the recipe on BBCFood website by Angela Nilsen. The picture below directs you to the page I got it from (also the "Expectations" which will be compared to reality later on).

I followed the ingredients and I will just mention which kind of them I used. For the double cream I used the one by Nestle (I feel like I'm just telling you the make-up I used, lol) which you can get in a small can or carton. For the milk, I probably did not use full-fat milk because milk at home is always low fat and this one from Al Marai you get in a carton as well. I don't need to mention the eggs we use because I don't think anyone pays attention to that when they pick it up from the supermarket or is it just me. Oh, for the vanilla pods... I just used vanilla extract instead. One more thing I replaced is the ramekins, I used disposable ones instead.

The final verdict (me being the judge and my mother): we liked how I made it. I just got the right amount of sweetness for it!

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