Thursday, July 16, 2015

Fitness: #InflexibleYogis July Photo Challenge

Instead of keeping this as something that should just stay in the first half of July 2015, I decided to blog about this photo challenge I took on Instagram by @inflexibleyogis Yoga For The Non Flexible (managed by @deandreyoga). Other hosts aside from the two were Instagram yogis like @lolathlete,, @kestyoga, and @kellymarie_yoga. The challenge were sponsored by @dharmayogawheel, @prana and @spiritualgangster. Check them all out and be inspired to start or continue yoga!

I used to be a regular in my gym's yoga classes few years back which made me think 'why the hell should I not do this challenge.' As a very uninspiring lazy person I will still continue and write about this. You won't even believe how many things I have done in terms of exercising just to stay "fit." but enough about the past let's talk about what happened this July! This is actually my first successful photo challenge since it became a thing! (On my first photo challenge my phone got stolen so never did one again until this year.)

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