Sunday, March 17, 2013

Event: REDux Canvas of Expression

So, my friends and I decided to join REDux Canvas of Expression. It is a painting competition of 8 groups, we were one of the 6 groups that participated and the weirdest thing happened... WE WON THIRD PLACE! (HYFR). Here is our entry...

Made by yours truly, Bea Arada, Joanah Verzosa and Gleah San Grabriel (picture below: left-right). The guy with us in the picture is Marvin, he joined the competition as well and won second place (Animo Block 7!). We shared all the paints we had! You can see Marvin's (Sir Artist) below too. It was Joanah's idea that we join the contest because she wanted money for Avicii but thank God that Avicii's concert was moved to May, we won't be in Philippines anymore! The money can go somewhere else but the organization is taking so long to give the prize. I don't think we're getting it though. PHOTO DUMP TIME!

And Marvin's entry!


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