Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Personal: Joanah's 18th Birthday

This girl finally turned eighteen. In our first year of college, being under eighteen was our biggest problem since we had all the time to go out in the weekends. But now that I'm in Engineering and she's in Business and the University Student Government, we got busier but other than that we still meet. Oh yes, she's one of my closest friends in uni and we're both from the U.A.E.

Her debut was like our block's reunion. We got separated because we all shifted to the programs we actually want to do in uni. It was fun and I definitely missed everyone but Joanah couldn't be with us the whole time since the event was for both her family and friends. 

In  preparation for Joanah's debut, we had like five dance practices for the cotillion and modern dance. We made new friends: Joanah's high school friends and the choreographers. It was fun, tiring and took up our time but it was a reason to meet each other! Here are our pictures together. We dancers!

All pictures are not mine but my friend's, Bea, and StarBox Funbooth.

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