Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Travel: Bohol, Philippines 2016

Our first trip together! Thanks for this mini vacay from work (internship), Ate. It was our first time in Bohol and it was perf. Our hotel was perf, flight was okay, tours were satisfying enough and cheap refrigerator magnets! We stayed for 4 days and 3 nights and here is how we spent it. 

Our flight was late in the morning at around 11AM and there were no delays, surprisingly. We went by AirAsia and as short hauls are, it was unpleasant. We reached the hotel, checked in and finally got to chill right before sunset... since you can't really do anything Bohol things (what?) once the sun's out, we walked around Alona beach and chilled in the pool until dinner.

Second day, we went for a countryside tour. You can see the list of places we went to down below, we skipped the zipline and all those activities, you'll need more than 4 days if you're into that. The tour was from 8AM to 3PM, it can be longer it's really upto you. 

Third day, we went for a sea tour. The same tour guide with his boat friends (lolwhat) took us to see the dolphins, the marine life of Balicasag and this virgin island... Before we had lunch, we went for a massage by the beach and fell asleep. 

On our last day, we just stayed in our hotel and spent our last hours there. We finally had the bee farm ice-cream whatever we've been eyeing the whole time. 

Our hotel was really nice, if you want to go to Bohol you should stay there it's the least expensive expensive hotel. Our tour guide was okay, not the best (what do I know) but you can also hire him if you want to (lol) scroll down for his contact number. People knew Kuya Bernard or what he does so you don't really pay for him where there are fees for entrance, environmental, etc. FYI, it's not a legit tour guide (what are those) but he is a local who has a car/van and can drive you around. There are no cabs in Bohol, you just hire carpool and they can also become your tour guide. I saw tourists with scooters, Idk if they rent that. We just met ours at the airport, he dropped us at the mall for an hour and then to our hotel. The next day he was also the one who took us for the countryside tour and on the next day sea tour. Hotels provide tours too, we just thought we'd save money if we didn't have it from them and I think that you have to go in a group if there were more people. 

Hennan Resort, Alona Beach

Countryside Tour

The countryside tour consists of the following in the list below. 
1. Chocolate Hills
2. Butterfly Farm
3. Manmade Forest
4. Tarsier Conservatory
5. Loboc River Restaurant
6. Wildlife Farm

Sea Tour

1. Dolphin Sightseeing
2. Balicasag Island
3. Virgin Islands

Driver/Tour Guide Details



Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Personal: Global Village 2016

Hey peeps, went to Global Village this year and it had a new look! For those who don't know yet, Global Village is a cultural, entertainment, family and shopping outdoor destination in Dubai which only opens 4-5 months during the cold season. It was around 19°C when we went thus what we were wearing was just the right amount of knitted wear although I removed my scarf and beanie when we started walking around because it got crowded in some places.

The entrance was called the "Gate of the World" it looked better when it was darker because you could see it with the lights. I just read it is by far the largest gate in Global Village history, it has like 40 turnstile entrances and 40 ticketing counters. As I remember, they just had like a number of small gates around the park. Anyway! Once you enter this magnificent structure, you get welcomed with monumental structures from all over the world like the Tower of Pisa, Big Ben, Chinese Temple, entrance of an Egyptian temple, the Colosseum, and last but not the least, Burj Khalifa. YES! All of that behind that thing (see picture below, the first one)!

So, what are the things you can do in Global Village? Literally, you need a whole day to do everything or keep going back just to experience it all. Basically all you have to do in Global Village is eat everything you see. Sorry, but yes! All the different countries featured in the park will be serving their food. You don't have to shop or go play at the theme park, just eat! Anyway, just kidding I didn't even eat everything. I only ate the things I know, duh. Was there anything new I ate? Meh, don't think so. I got those shoes that have lights though. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Music: Justin Bieber's PURPOSE The Movement Ranked!

Hey guys! I don't think I have ever mentioned that I have Bieber Fever. I've been a fan of the Biebs since One Time, Baby, and all those songs by pre-puberty Justin. But tbh, I don't know much about him just what I see online without actually searching for it. Since PURPOSE: The Movement became such a big thing that each dance video got millions of views just on their third day (writing this on the third day) I thought of ranking them.


13. Company

12. Mark My Words

11. Purpose

10. No Sense (feat. Travis Scott)

9. Life is Worth Living

8. No Pressure (feat. Big Sean)

7. Children

6. Where Are U Now

5. Love Yourself

The beginning was all Home To Mama shit but 

4. I'll Show You

3. What Do You Mean

If you're like in love with Justin Bieber, this is definitely more fun to watch than the official music video.

2. The Feeling (feat. Halsey)

1. Sorry

This is my most favourite because of the energy ReQuest showed and I love dancing! These girls are amazeballs.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Travel: Singapore 2015

What a pretty place! We need to go back because 4 days was defo not enough. Get ready for a photodump of awkward action cam selfies. And also, my dad couldn't come with us because his passport had exactly less than 6 months left on our arrival in Singapore.

I was so sick half of the time. My feet hurt so much and had such a bad headache but I still pushed myself to see more of the city. When we went back to Manila, I had to stay in the emergency room for a few hours for my temperature to go down.