Sunday, May 31, 2015

TV: Arrow, Season 1 to Season 3

So, after a few weeks of not writing TV Show reviews (should I call it that?) I forgot how to start as if I have a special way of starting these. Tbh, I just come up with anything that I remember. Anywho, for the show Arrow I would like to put all 3 seasons in one blog post because I watched them continuously every night (with my mother). Arrow, The Flash and Gotham are shows you can watch with your parents so two thumbs up to them. You guys are cool. Many many spoilers but if you're cool with that just continue reading, this might just make you want to watch the show!

Okay so basically the main character of the show is the Arrow himself, Oliver Queen played by Stephen Amell. Season 1 starts off when Oliver gets rescued by fishermen sailing around Lian Yu and brought back to Starling City after 5 years of being lost. Lian Yu is basically the island where Oliver got stranded in when the Gambit (papa Queen's yacht) got destroyed by a storm. It lies around the North China Sea and well, you might have guessed it... A lot of sh*t happens in the island. Throughout these 3 seasons, it follows the Arrow as being a vigilante in present day Starling City but it also has flashbacks of what happened to Oliver during the 5 years he was lost. There was one point when I would only attentively watch the show for the flashbacks. During those 5 years Oliver was facing airplane bombers in the island (season 1), became prisoner on a ship which was "parked" around the island looking for a submarine (season 2), went to Hong Kong and Starling City (season 3) but he was STILL rescued from Lian Yu. I don't know why I write blog posts about these in seasons like I can't even organize my thoughts in a normal conversation between me and my friends. Did I mention Team Arrow? Well, it's composed of Felicity Smoak and John Diggle, they basically help Arrow in his "missions." (Whaaat)

To break it down to y'all... Season 1 is Oliver all about the vengeance on the people who have failed Starling City. He would hunt these people down (there's a list of them on papa Queen's little notebook) and point an arrow at them or something like that while he gives them a chance to do things right. In this part of his vigilante life, he would kill people who are on his way. No mercy or some stupid stuff like that, reason why authorities hated him. If you actually watch the show, there are parts when Oliver is shirtless and it is impossible not to look at this body so you'll notice that his scars are inconsistent. (Tsk tsk, make-up department!)

Next in Season 2, Oliver is over his father's notebook. He starts fighting crimes in Starling City instead because fucking Slade Wilson (man he was with in the island who's madly inlove with Shado, another mate from the island who died because Oliver chose Sara's life over hers when they were abducted, see I didn't even mention any of this... Sara Lance was with Oliver in the boat who also survived, surprise!) is alive and in Starling City.

Season 3, full of League of Assassins. Thea Queen gets trained by her biological father Malcom Merlyn and probably becomes a zombie... Or maybe not! She replaces Roy Harper and becomes the Red Arrow. This season ends with Oliver and Felicity cruising in a convertible in love with each other (Ray Palmer, I feel you, bro!) which I do not approve of. I loved heartless/love-interest-less Oliver Queen.

After reading this you now probably have this void in your brilliant mind of what the hell Arrow is because wtf did you just read, right? So go watch it! 

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